Saturday, February 15, 2020

BIOTECHNOLOGY Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BIOTECHNOLOGY - Coursework Example Human cloning in its most basic form is the act of taking one individual and making an exact biological replica of that organism (Genetic Science Learning Center, 2013). Dolly the Sheep was conceived and born into the world; however she suffered from a few health conditions, including rapid aging, which ultimately claimed her life at half the life span of a normal sheep. This means that cloning does come with the some obvious and unavoidable side effects that cannot go unaddressed. At the same time, it, also, offers some amazing potential benefits that cannot be ignored. For this reason, the debate over cloning of any living thing will remain ever-present for some time to come. Cloning is at the top of the list of potential biotechnological advances. Given the provided definition of biotechnologies, cloning, ultimately, fits in nicely with that definition. Cloning could provide means to treat illness, eliminate the need for unrelated organ donors, and better the medical futures of generations of people. Some researchers believe that cloning of animal and plant life could be the solution to hunger; not only can the numbers be forcibly produced, but disease and weaknesses can be bred out. It is human beings stepping into the role of creator and providing themselves with what they â€Å"need.† In this case, it is the ability to develop clones of living people for whatever endeavors that they see fit. This may allow human beings, particularly, to breed for desired traits and eliminate those that are not; they may even be able to inbreed resistance to certain diseases. It could, also, be beneficial for people unable to produce offspring of their own; inf ertility could be completely overridden (Oak, 2011).The potential positive outcomes are inviting. However, there are side effects that are far less attractive. There is the possibility of misuse of the technology, of course. There are the concerns involving the limiting of genetic

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